Vinyl Lettering Testimonials - Page 81
Showing 1601–1620 of 5716 testimonials

“In this case i actually generated the design using my own tools and emailed it to your team for review printing. I got exactly what i wanted, including my daughter's name on the little tag on the magic potion bottle!”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: For my daughter's optimist sailboat

“We love our vinyl lettering and that it is customized to our home.”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Kitchen wall over a metal decoration
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Amazone

“Quality is great and turnaround/shipping time is damn fast!”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: A title for an art exhibit, and a year ago, signage for a brewery taproom.

J&D Seamless Gutters, Laurel, DE
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Our enclosed work trailer!
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Franciscan

“The product was durable and easy to work with. Customer service was excellent. I will use again.”
Frank DePalma, Port Townsend, USA
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Boat

“Looks amazing, tons of compliments and inquiries. Have shared this company sight with several colleagues. Great to work with this company, very quick turnaround and amazing customer service.”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: To make an area more appealing with school name and mascot. Looks amazing, tons of compliments and inquiries. Have shared this company sight with several colleagues.

“Placed order and was notified (very nice!) that they were waiting for a few of the letters, so it would be a bit longer to ship. I informed them I would wait and was extremely pleased with the order when we received them. If the need arises I will order again! Great product, great customer service!”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Ordered 2 sets of letters for our 2 show cars, to dress up the engine compartment of each.

“I have use your company for many years, and each time you are professional, prompt and provide and excellent product! Truly one of the top notch companies we use for our business needs! I cannot thank you enough for your professionalism!!! I would be honored if you use our photos- let me know if you need more!”
Kim Cherie Sjaardema, K Cherie Spa and Endicott Gardens Bed & Breakfast Gold Beach
- Vinyl Lettering Use: I have used your lettering for at least three of the businesses I own and most recently the sign for our bed and breakfast- it came out amazing and I appreciate your team doing the color flower graphics too!!!! Your company is a truly the BEST!

“Great company to work with and awesome product! The website is a little clunky and the measurement seems to change before checkout (meant to be that way), but customer service quickly and confidently checked me out.”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: New office accent wall
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Aharoni

“Great product with an exceptional turn around time!”
Kurtis N, St. Petersburg, Florida
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Boat name and registration numbers

“Great brought it could not be any easier to install. After cleaning the surface with a mild degreaser it took me less than five minutes to complete. Looks awesome!”
Bill, Rockland Co NY, Some-City, USA
- Vinyl Lettering Use: I used it to name a recent boat we just purchased.
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Flash

“Love the Quality”
Paul Tuoni, Owner/Operator, In*Out Construction
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Business Logo For Truck

“The lettering was perfect. I botched the initial install but customer service was excellent. Will use again!”
Raymond Ilano, St. Petersburg, FL
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Decals on my bicycle.
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Arial Black

“My office mate used you, you can see her sign below mine!”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Business name for office door

“I could not find the information about letter colors that I needed for reverse letters applied to the inside of the glass, so I called the DIY office. The employee was very helpful and took care of my order. We received the letters promptly. I won't say they were easy to apply, because it was a rather large layout, but two of us worked together to install them without too much trouble. We are very happy with the way they look.”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: We used the letters on the back of a clear glass wall-of-water fountain.

- Vinyl Lettering Use: Boat, single scull
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Canteneo