Privacy Policy
At, we take your privacy seriously.
We will not ever sell or provide your personal information, including email address/phone number to another marketing company.
Emails / No Spam Policy
We do not spam you with promotional emails and do not sell your email address. You can expect to receive emails for order confirmations, and for when there's a question about your request / order. Shipping confirmation emails include a link to track your order with the US Postal Service, UPS, or FedEx when available.
Security & Payments
We do not store any credit card numbers and all orders are placed with SSL security (an encrypted link between a web server and a browser). After your transaction is completed we discard your credit card number and just have a reference provided by bank. This merchant service does allow us to refund or make an additional charge with your approval for a little while after your order is placed.
We do use tracking on our website. We require you to use cookies to make our online shopping cart and order processing work. We also use Google Analytics to help us improve our website.