Testimonial #6174 for: Vinyl Lettering

“Completely satisfied. Exceeded my expectations.”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: I named my camper/van. My post on Facebook to my van friends follows: Many of my “van” friends have named their vans. I always referred to mine as “the van” … My friend Emmy named her van “Halen”. Thinking of the music influence, I came up with an idea for a name, but my friends Claire and Roger had already named their van “Morrison”. What to do…? With a great suggestion from Emmy, I decided to go the literary route. I was inspired by a local writer that some of you may have heard of - John Steinbeck. John Steinbeck was also inspired by a literary work of art. In the early 1600’s, Don Quixote traveled the countryside chasing windmills on his old but trusty horse that he named “Rocinante” (roughly translated – old horse). In 1962, Steinbeck published “Travels with Charley in Search of America”. He traveled 10,000 miles in his trusty camper that he also named “Rocinante”. Thus, with such high inspiration and a quest to travel, my van now has a name, “Rocinante”. I’m looking forward to many miles and many visits this year and beyond in my “Rocinante”!