Testimonial #5973 for: Vinyl Lettering

“I have used DIY lettering for years . . . mostly for decorative purposes on my interior walls. Customer service is excellent. Turn around time is excellent. I love that they will send a replacement if you bungle the application (which happened on my very first attempt). Application is easy (especially once you get the hang of it). This time, I had a more practical application. My relative is 92 has significant cognitive impairment (which will only worsen over time). She feels "lost" and cannot find things (because she cannot remember where they are kept). So, I labeled each drawer of her chest with the contents . . . underwear and nighties, slacks, bed linens, sanitary items. This makes life easier for her and for her caregivers, who rotate.”
Eternally Grateful, Spokane, Washington, USA
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Lettering the drawers of a chest for a person with memory impairment.
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Tahoma