Testimonial #5906 for: Vinyl Lettering

“Impressions after 2 orders for 5 boat names: a quality and friendly company that fills a niche in modeling plus much more.”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: New to modeling, I have been wondering how to finish projects that helped keep me busy for the covid years. Not a purist, I wanted to name ships based a special characteristic keeping the model on the plus side after lots of work (Pot Pie is boat type & neighborhood in MD). Making model wooden ships brought sufficient challenges, lettering a big one. In a model chat room I noticed mention of lettering.com and gave it a try. On lettering.com you have choices for size, fonts, alignment, shading, colors, special effects, and can see a facsimile of possible modifications as you experiment. The installation instructions are simple. Just in case, letters.com offers a replacement at no charge. Ordering for other ships, I miscalculated size and was notified of the problem with options including a refund which I didn’t want. I asked if they could tweak what I had done and they did.
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Airstream