Testimonial #5832 for: Vinyl Lettering

“I have been wanting decals for our bridal shop windows for ages, but everywhere I looked they were expensive, required professional installation, or weren't customizable. Finding Lettering.com was a Godsend! I spent a fair amount of time tinkering with all the custom options to make sure I loved the font, size, style, etc. Once I placed the order, I was concerned about the sizes matching from window to window, so I sent an email to customer service and Shawn got back to me right away, suggesting a couple changes that he was able to resolve on his end. This order shipped within a couple days. The box included installation tips, which helped immensely! I am so pleased with the customer service and quality from this company and would highly recommend them for your lettering needs!”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Decals for our shop windows.
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Arrus