Testimonial #5557 for: Vinyl Lettering

“I have designed sign system for large international resorts, hotels, and shopping centers, 27 in all, in Hawaii, Japan and Korea. So I'm familiar with many kinds of sign making techniques. I wanted to create a great first impression for my home but did not want to buy a new mailbox. So I refinished a faded black Rubbermaid mailbox with bronze paint and added deep yellow reflective letters supplied by DIY Lettering. The online, then phone experience was a breeze. The vinyl legends were executed perfectly and since all the materials were fresh they transferred and burnished down effortlessly. My home improvement customers want me to add some zing to their mailboxes and address plaques so I figure I'll become a regular DIY Lettering client. [I have made a video of the process and will edit and post to YouTube in a couple weeks. DIYL gets a clear promo.]”
Peter Lightbeam, Northern Illinois
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Restoring old Rubbermaid Plastic Mailbox