Testimonial #4809 for: Vinyl Lettering

“I use DIYlettering for everything and also list your website address on out Facebook and vehicle”
Scott Krusty Logsdon, Paramedic, Security Supervisor, Drummer, Instructor
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Lately I've been ordering from you like crazy. Names for construction helmets, stickers for windows, amateur radio station information, just to name a few. A few months ago we were lettering medical boxes at the firehouse and my band was labeling cases. I use your company for everything I want to have that special professional touch. I could use a labeler but professional lettering looks so much better and if we mess it up applying it, you replace it for free. With the 3M reflective lettering all our people on the construction site have that extra level of protection like the picture included.
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Arial