Testimonial #4288 for: Vinyl Lettering

“Website was a delight to work with, but I am experienced in using graphics programs. Turnaround was very quick and customer service was terrific.”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: I have a couple of friends who are being forced to put their beloved house, where they have lived for 27 years, on the market. They have been moving a lot of their belongings into a storage locker and themselves into a tiny apartment while the house is on the market. They presently have no firm plans of where they will end up. So as a gift to commemorate their plight, I bought this model truck with the intention of modifying it as shown in the photos, without knowing exactly how I was going to do it. So I began to look at vinyl lettering and was fortunate to stumble across this website. I am absolutely delighted with the results and am already thinking of more projects where I can use this product. (If you want larger photo files, let me know. These are off my phone.)