Testimonial #4211 for: Vinyl Lettering

“Having been raised in a drag racing family, I am very familiar with vinyl lettering. When we bought our daughter a Jr Dragster, we wanted to have her name on it before giving it to her on her birthday. We wanted something inexpensive as is was likely to be temporary. The local shops have minimum charges so we searched online. We were able to simply and quickly design exactly what we wanted. We upgraded to the better 3M material as we have had issues in the past with “cheaper” materials. The decals arrived 2 days after we placed the order and we were shocked with the quality of the print and material. They were simply installed with no issues. Our daughter refuses to have the Jr painted (at this time) and loves it as it currently is so her name will remain on the car. Once she is able to lisense and obtains a permanent #, we will have DIY Lettering supply those decals as well.”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: We had our daughters name printed for her Jr Dragster.
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Brody