Testimonial #4101 for: Vinyl Lettering

“Tons and tons of font styles available. Easy application, took about an hour to do the caboose. Came out perfect IMHO. I would suggest using the wet method for all larger applications. This gives you a little "working time" for final placement. Great product and fast turnaround. Four days from order to receipt, in my case. Great Job DIYLETTERING!! Thanks”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Friends own a New Haven Rail Road caboose that was built in 1923. She is the last surviving one of this class. They purchased it in the early 1970's to display along side their restaurant which was a former Boston & Albany railroad station in Allston, Ma. It sat for many years without markings. They recently decided to do a structural and cosmetic restoration. Some of the old photo's from the time of purchase allowed us to duplicate the lettering almost exactly. Hopefully she'll last another generation or two.
- Vinyl Lettering Style: Lucida Bright