Testimonial #4063 for: Vinyl Lettering

“I had a great experience with DIY Lettering! It was so easy to send them my custom design and have it made into a cool vinyl decal. The product came in the mail within 2-3 business days and was packaged nicely. This first time I tried installing I messed up the vinyl because of high winds that day and because I didn't have an extra person to help me. I called DIY Lettering and they sent a replacement straight away free of charge, I was so grateful as I am a small business and don't have a ton of extra money to spend. The replacement came so fast in the mail and I was able to successfully install the vinyls the second time around with the help of another person to install the decal. Once I had a game plan and some extra hands, the vinyl was easy to install and came with easy instructions. For larger vinyls always have someone help you especially if you are outside in the elements. Overall I was very happy with the quality and result of the product I purchased and will definitely be going through DIY Lettering for all my future vinyl decal/lettering needs :)”
- Vinyl Lettering Use: I used the lettering for my business windows to advertise where I am using my business name and logo.