Testimonial #3463 for: Vinyl Lettering

“I appreciate the product in general: search, site, lettering, and follow-up. The instructions were helpful, though I did have a problem that was not addressed. The sign is corrugated plastic, which produced a proliferous number of bubbles. For 20 minutes I pricked half of them, but aborted that thinking I may be doing harm plus the tediousness and amount of time it was taking, and that if it could just last long enough for a sale everything would be OK. Also, I took extra time to give this feedback because the original photo was unsendable, so I drove the hour back to the property to use a different camera to get another photo. That was good in a sense, because I got to look at how the lettering was holding up. Unfortunately, because of the time I forgot to look up close to see how the pricks were doing. However, from 10 feet away the lettering is holding up good. Also note: the "good" rating was because I had to put something, however, I did not use customer service.”
Stephen Crouse, Crossville, TN
- Vinyl Lettering Use: Real estate sign.